ADHD Borders was launched in October 2022 by a small group of volunteers to bring peer support to adults living with ADHD in the Scottish Borders.
It's estimated that 1.5 million adults in the UK have ADHD but only 120,000 are formally diagnosed (ADHD Action). According to ADHD Coaching between 3% - 4% of adults have ADHD.
With a population of 115,000 (in 2018) that’s approximately 4,000 adults across the Scottish Borders.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists said people with ADHD were more likely to be seriously negatively impacted throughout their lives. However, through our experience we have found there are very limited services throughout the Scottish Borders available to support their needs.
ADHD Borders offers a unique portfolio of services which help support adults with ADHD to better manage their condition and ensure they recognise themselves as valued members of society and are treated with dignity and respect. As well as providing an opportunity to share and learn from other people with ADHD in the Borders